Wednesday, March 2, 2016


Okay, February is a short month is no excuse, as it had only two days less than January. But I got to read only four books this month. That’s not counting the three that I have read half each of. Well, their reviews will happen in March I am sure.

So here goes...

Book No. 1: RIGHT FIT WRONG SHOE by Varsha Dixit

This book is in the likes of a Bollywood story and is a totally fun read. I received a paperback in return for my honest review for the Blog Tour conducted by The Book Club. 

Book No. 2: THE KISS OF A VISCOUNT by Linda Rae Sande

I downloaded this book from Amazon and it had been in my kindle for how long I don’t remember. I just started reading it and got hooked right from the beginning. It’s a historical romance and quite hot at that. It has a number of elements that have been put together to make a delicious story. A subtly handsome hero who’s totally in love with the heroine, a supremely confident heroine who’s a beauty with brains, a bit of mystery thrown in and lots of love scenes. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this one.

Book No. 3: PASSIONATE LOVE by Shivangi Ramsay

I bought this book at Oxford Bookstore when I went there on February 29. Well, it’s a romance novella and cost me just 100 bucks. Yes, I did open a page in the middle to check for the language – just in case and found a perfectly written para. More fool me! Though it’s a cutesy story and not too bad for a novella, it’s been written terribly. There’s nothing been done in the name of editing and proofing. And why would Indians use phrases like “by jove” and similar ones in a conversation? The author is influenced by western books I can see. I wish it had reflected in her language instead of such fancy phrases that just cannot be incorporated in a dialogue between two Indians living in Pune. Wonder if Indians living abroad will use these either! Towards the end, I was amazed that the “intelligent” heroine turned out to be such an “idiot” in the name of conflict. Read at your own risk.

Book No. 4: SEDUCED IN SPAIN by Devika Fernando

Okay, this one is yet to be released. But I got a chance to beta read this book by Devika Fernando. This book promises to be a bestseller once it’s been polished up. Alejandro from Spain is a hero to die for and the German heroine Emily is perfect for him. The author has brought you many scenes from this lovely country and also a lot of background about the hotel and tourism industry. Well researched plot with a yummy romance in the foreground. Do watch out for this one. It’s set to release in March 2016.


  1. Book 2 looks like fun! The theme reminds me of Erica Ridley's books - her heroines are feisty and the heros are tough; with humorous language. I always love it when historic fiction seems way ahead of its time!

    Thanks for sharing these books, Sundari. :)

    1. Hi Vidya, thank you for stopping by. Yeah, it was total time-pass. It's available for $0.00 on Amazon
