The Dev Darshan Hall at Ghatkopar (W) was arranged for the same. The hall was luckily huge and airy and could take the 1500-odd crowd quite comfortably.
But the sound system was terrible. Luckily for me, I had read up the lesson as conducted by Bhagavan at Ahmedabad, thanks to my friend Anuradha Chandrashekhar.
Sri Bhagavan came on the screen and greeted us and started with the lesson immediately. He uttered some sentences and we repeated them seven times along with Nivedhanaji and Asmitaji in Hindi and Marathi as instructed by the Lord.
1. My thoughts are not mine.
2. My mind is not mine.
3. My body is not mine.
4. There is listening but no listener.
5. There is seeing but no seer.
6. There is doing but no doer.
7. Things are happening by themselves.
8. Self is but a concept.
After repeating these sentences seven times each, Bhagavan asked: Then what are you?
A few from the audience replied: We are Atmas.

I have given the gist of Bhagavan’s reply here. I could not hear the exact words.
Sri Bhagavan: That’s right. You are all Atmas that have come from the Paramatma. You are but witnesses to what is happening around you. You have taken the combination of Body-Mind-Spirit as Sat-Chit-Ananda. You are actually Satchidananda Parabrahma. I will utter this sentence in Hindi three times. You say it along with me. I will then disappear from the screen. You chant this mantra for 49 minutes while Amma and I will give you all a powerful Deeksha. Most of you will attain Jeevan Mukti at this point. Even if you don’t, you will attain mukti in a day or two. Complete the chanting and then take Deeksha from the Padukas.
"Main Swayam Satchidananda Parabrahma Hoon"
Saying this three times, the Lord disappeared from the screen.
We chanted this in Hindi and Marathi as we liked for 49 minutes. The guides told us when to stop. After this we took Deeksha from the Padukas.
A powerful Deeksha session indeed!
Lord has given us a GIFT called "MUKTHI OR ENLIGHTENMENT".
ReplyDeleteIt is "we" who should know as to how to handle this "Invaluable gift"and Their Trust on us.
People who have developed a Very Good Bond with Amma and Bhagwan, progressed in our Gratitude and Relationships, and finally having a clarity on "Oneness Teachings" would alone be helped by the Divine to Handle this Invaluable and Power filled "Gift" called "Enlightenment".
Jeevan Mukta, pls give deeksha to me! Lov u!