The Bible also has references to the year 2012. One set of interpretations come with the idea of the end of the world with a meteoric strike or some such similar occurrence. The other interpretation is that Jesus Christ had promised to return along with his father – GOD - around this time to save the world.
I will definitely vote for the second theory. There are a number of calamities happening on Earth – as predicted by the Mayans, the Bible, Nostradamus and so many others – Earthquakes, droughts, famine, floods, typhoons, global warming, wars, accidents, terrorist attacks, bomb blasts, building collapses, plane crashes, epidemics and what not? It cannot get worse than this, can it? Man must be seeing the worst time ever.
There are those that claim that there is more to come. At the rate we are going and if we continue to deteriorate, there will be no Earth or human beings to save by 2012. This has to stop.
That is why God has come down to earth in the form of Amma Bhagavan – Avatars for Enlightenment – to herald the New Age.
Amma & Bhagavan are the Yin and the Yang; the Feminine and the Masculine; the Goddess and the God – call them whatever. They have come down to Earth to ring in the Golden Age or the Satya Yuga that will continue for the next 10,000 years.
During this age, Amma Bhagavan promise that Man will be able to ‘walk and talk with God’ while there will be ‘Heaven on Earth’.
There will be Oneness of spirit. Please understand here that they are not talking about converting us all into clones. We will all still be individuals with differing tastes. The important thing will be that we will able to accept everyone around us for what they are.
We will grow above right-wrong; good-bad; should-should not; etc. We will break out of the bonds that hold us back from doing what makes us happy. We will be aware of living in co-ordination with nature and stop fighting her at every point. We will be way more sensitive towards others needs. We will have a totally positive attitude in life.
We will grow towards the path of ONENESS.
To be continued…
Click here to read Part 1
Click here to read Part 3