And for those MCPs who believe that women are born to serve them and kiss their feet, you need to wake up and face reality.
We have all heard of the way to a man’s heart – loud and clear – through his stomach. What about the way to a woman’s heart? Is it that men don’t give a damn about it as they are interested only in the physical aspect of love?
Well, for one thing, each woman is unique and so you cannot generalise and come up with one common way to a lady’s heart. But there are a few gestures that will definitely be appreciated by the fairer sex.
Chivalry: This is one thing that will definitely not go out of fashion. I know it is not something Indian men can relate to. Sadly, chivalry was definitely a part of our culture in yonder days. But during the last couple of centuries, it seems as if the quality has been exported to the west, in totality – not that I am suggesting that the westerners don’t have originality. Only, the feature has not been vastly present in our area. But believe you me, holding a door open, pulling a chair out or letting a woman enter before you will definitely up your score in your girlfriend’s or wife’s eyes.
A gift: Any one loves to receive a gift – no less a woman. But you are wrong if you believe that all women are after your money and expensive gifts. Yeah, I heard someone say that a way to a woman’s heart is through a man’s wallet. Utter rubbish! It is but a gesture that you care. A flower or a card will do fantastically well with the right woman.
Intelligent conversation: You are only thinking in terms of bedding a woman and all your talk is suggestive of this, you rest assured that you will never score. Most women will appreciate a good conversation – whether it is about the state politics, movies, music, books, travel, eating or whatever that fits. And by conversation, I mean a dialogue, not a monologue where you talk about yourself, yourself and yourself. Beyond a point that can be boring to just anyone on earth. We all know how macho you are, but we sometimes like to listen to our voices too.
Never take a woman for granted: No one likes to be taken for granted, less so a woman. Just because you are already married, please don’t stop paying her compliments or appreciating her. If you check your subconscious, you probably are thinking, ‘she is mine now. So why make the effort?’ You are thinking wrong. That is one of the major reasons for marriages that break up. A lady begins to feel there is no charm in her life. Her interesting boyfriend has become a boring husband. And you keep thinking there is no pleasing a woman. I am sure you understand now where the problem lies.
Sharing responsibility: Please wear the cap only if it fits. This is not for those who do their share. It is alright that housewives manage the home completely. Today, the world is full of women who are professionals. But when a woman can go to work to make enough money for the whole family, why should a man not take up a share in the responsibilities at home? Both get up at 7 in the morning. One settles in front of the television to find out the state of the world while the other slogs in the kitchen to get breakfast and lunch ready. One goes for a bath while the other keeps the clothes ready. The story continues in the evening when one continues to check out on the day’s events around the globe while the other juggles with the child’s homework and dinner. Does the scenario sound familiar? It’s a definite way of ensuring that you remove yourself from your woman’s heart.
There may be a number of points that I may have missed (see, I don’t pretend to be a know-it-all). Gals are welcome to add their views and guys are allowed to give their take on where they have scored in winning a woman’s heart. ;)
i agree with this but not all are same & i think women should have a own space give her time forherself that she can present herself very well.
ReplyDeletethis is so true, you have captured way more than what meets the eye. u have literally gone deep within a woman and written her heart out.
ReplyDeletewhat u have written is very correct but according to me men are like that because we allow them to take us for granted - most of the time it is women's mistake which make men behave like lord
ReplyDeletewell well well excellently written. all women ensure toend it to ur boyfrends / husbands sayin tht u found this written somewher. hope it rings a bell
ReplyDeleteHahahah how I agree with this piece!!! So darn true!
ReplyDeleteWhile I'm not a big fan of chivalry in truth I do appreciate it a great deal when the one I'm interested in is chivalrous, it just means he is courteous not that he thinks I'm a handicapped woman who cannot pull out chairs for herself. I mean I would hold the door open for anybody so it is only natural I'd like to have a guy who can do that for me too.
Again I absolutely agree with all the pointers!!!
Intelligent conversation: YES! Stop staring at you-know-what and talk.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree.. High time guys get that in their head! :)
ReplyDeleteWOW! I completely agree with you... Please fwd it as many people as possible. I shall do my bit :)
ReplyDeleteI do agree with all your points.
ReplyDeleteAbout ur point Sharing Responsibilities, i totally agree with this point, when women too work just like men for almost 10 hours in her office, they too are tired just like men are. I think husbands who's wife work should just compare themselves to their wifes and realise that even though men are called strong, women works almost double then men does. it is important that men should think about how they can help their better half in other responsibilities. This will surely take you very close to her. women doesn't need much, your utmost care and unlimited love can win her heart again and again.
oh yeah, chivalry, where the heck is that? i actually know male friends who cancel meeting plans if it begans to drizzle :P
ReplyDeleteI totaly agree with u sundari and sneha too
ReplyDeletesneha i like ur comment
ReplyDeletei do agree to whatever u have written but as mentiond by chandra i too feel its females who allow them to take us for granted.
ReplyDeletealso the kids learn what they see at their homes..
True that. Men can be totally insensitive to a woman's needs sometimes.
ReplyDeleteIn a general sense, it's like the phrase, We can't live without them, we can't live with 'em! But to each, his/her own. But we shouldn't let men take over our species; it's not okay till you give your consent. I mean, we might be all modern in our thinking but when it comes to some specific men, they want to go traditional, when it comes to letting their female partners/wife slog after them, that is so hypocritical and painful. It's a thing that has a half-and-half...could make a great debate ;) But I'll end here!
hehehhe. i enjoyed reading teh comments full of paise from Feb 9
All the best. MWAHHHHH
hey dats vry true...wot eva is written is true but today in 2010 women r given equal rights i feel....or may be wot i hv seen is only gud things done to women....i hv not seen da other side of da coin maybe....
ReplyDeletewomen n men should do equal work....n everythin should be done equally....no one should be under estimated...
vry good article for both men n women....
write somemore of dis sort...it ll help both...
Too good aunty...i just loved it...
ReplyDeletewhat irritates me (apart from these things of course) is the fact that men often feel the need to treat their women as if they are made of glass. I mean, get over it! It feels gr8 2 be treated like a doll once a month but everyday, trust me you get's on one's nerve.
ReplyDeleteAlso, get used to the idea of tears. They are there for a reason and I refuse to give my right to them just because some stupid guy is too idiotic to handle them...:)
To woman-power! And to the men who have their heart in the right place. Great piece, Sundari!
ReplyDeleteThanks Andy! and also for the gyaan on the days preceding Valentine's Day :)